Anxiety disorder and its impact on one's life.

  Anxiety disorder and its impact on one's life.

He had an anxiety disorder. He told me over the phone. The story started when he was five years old and he bunked the school for the first time. As soon as his uncle came to know that he had bunked the school, he went after the little boy. He ran after him for more than two km. He caught the little boy finally.

   Whilst his uncle was chasing him the little boy thought that he is going to be killed by his uncle, his heart rate reached the maximum limit. He was very scared. When he was caught, his uncle almost beat him to death. He was taken back to his home by his uncle, where his mother was anxiously waiting for him.

  Later in life, he was scolded severely for his little mistakes, which created a sense of fear in the young lad. He became afraid of trying new things, thinking that he might get punished for the adventure.

  He was brilliant in his studies. He always took a position in the class. But one thing he was scared of was presenting in front of the class. The same childhood anxiety was chasing him. He was not allowed to speak in front of his uncle, elder brothers and sisters openly. He was scolded for little mistakes in his speech. 

  Aside from being a brilliant student in his high school, when he graduated from there he headed to the city for the first for further studies. He was a country guy himself, who had spent his whole life in the village. When he first enrolled in the college, he came across his urban classmates, who were more confident than him. At this point, he started suspecting his academic abilities. His academic performance started deteriorating. He felt belittle quite often in the class, who never spoke in the class and appeared very shy in front of the class. 

  He managed to graduate from college somehow. After graduation, he planned to go abroad. He went to some western country for further studies, but he could not gain any considerable academic success there too. He ended up doing odd jobs, such as working in the restaurant, driving cabs etc. That was another blow to his confidence and ego.

  He summarized his whole journey that if anxiety had not ruined my ego, I would have at some other stage in my life. He blamed his anxiety for his career failure. He concluded not only it ruins your career but also it ruins your communication skills. He advised me as a father never let my child be at the mercy of someone else. Don't scold him often, accept his little mistake, let him try new things.
