The never-ending Tribal conflicts.


The never-ending Tribal conflicts.

As a human race, we have evolved through many different stages. From being a hunter-gatherer species to modern society, we have always fought for our survival. In the race of survival not only we fought with external predators, but we also fought within our race. Some societies have learned their lessons (first world); there are still some societies on the planet where regular conflicts within the tribes are common. As a tribal, we will thoroughly examine the tribal conflicts in this article.

There are many different causes of tribal wars. As an Afghan, the most common cause of the conflict is a land dispute. Most of the land in Afghanistan is undocumented. Anyone can come and claim a particular piece of land. On most occasions, the tribe with heavy influence and more resources makes such a claim. Such claims then result in disputes, which some time leads to armed conflicts. I have witnessed myself, two tribes fighting over five square meters of land and killing a dozen from each side.        

          The second biggest reason for the tribal conflict is 'Honor'.  The merits of honour differ for each society. A girl not marrying according to the will of one’s parents is considered a big dishonour for the family. In Afghanis, if a girl marries outside of the family without the consent of her family, this can lead to major conflicts between the families.  In most cases, if the girls find the couple, the get killed instantly. If they can't find the couple then it leads to a conflict between both the tribes.

          The third biggest reason for tribal conflicts is ‘illiteracy’. The literacy rate in tribal societies is one of the lowest in modern societies. There are many societies even today, where a girl can't step out of her home to go to school. The situation in Afghanistan is kind of similar in a rural area, where the literacy rate is very low. In the urban, the situation is getting better.

          Weak government plays a crucial role in tribal conflicts. In societies where there is a weak government, or the government is unable to serve justice to its people, the people take the authority into their hand, causing never-ending conflicts within society.  A strong government is a sign of a peaceful society and a weak government is a sign of a conflicting society.

          The tribal leaders play a major role in tribal conflicts. Mostly they misuse their power. They favour one party instead of being just, thus causing conflicts among the two groups.          

          We discussed the main reasons behind the rift between the tribes. So, what can be done to solve the never-ending problem?  First of all, we will have to tackle the issue of illiteracy. If we have a generation of educated people then we can minimize the conflicts to a large extent. The big hurdle in the way of a peaceful society is the weak government; we need to strengthen the government in those societies by introducing them to democracy. There are societies even today where there is no government or minimal government.
