Rising Hindu Extremism in India

 While Scrolling through Twitter I saw a trend, which said ‘Public Place not for Namaz’.  It was not a surprise to me when checked the trend location. This was happening in India, the world biggest democracy and secular country. Here the point to be noted is that most of the twitter users here in the subcontinent are educated.

                Muslims in India are minority, while the majority is Hindu. Obviously the trend came from the Hindu majority.

India was divided into two countries on the religious ground. The Muslims in India were  not happy from their  Hindus Fellows. So, the Muslims of India started for their own separate land. Eventually the country was divided in 1947.

                Obviously I was not born at the time of Partition. When I grew up an realized that a country was divided on the religious ground, I opposed the idea of division on the basis of religion. Now that a party with extreme Hindu Ideology is in power in India, the Hindu extremism is gradually on the rise since the BJP came into power. Hindus are after revival of the Asoka glory(a Hindu king 2300 years ago). In pursuit of their goals they are suppressing the minorities. Not only Muslims, Christians and Sikhs are not happy with the present government.

                So, why is it such a big issue that one cannot offer a prayer in the public places, such as Parks etc.? I have lived in the west and I have seen Muslims offering prayer along the roads. The people there don’t have any issue with it. That is the spirit of a true secular society.

                If you call yourself a secular country then you should live up to the spirit of secularism, which gives freedom to all religious sects.  What if the same minority has an objection on any of the Hindu’s rituals? What will the result be?  Sectarian division which already has happened in 1947. If one does not learn from the History, I believe he is the biggest fool on the Planet.

