Logic VS Faith:

       Since my younger days, I have had many questions about my own religion. sometimes asking my parents and other times asking my friends those strange questions. I was frowned upon for asking those questions because once you raise the question, it means that you have a doubt in your head. You are not a pure believer. I was afraid of being tagged as a non-believer, yet I believed in the existence of a supreme being. Even if you believe, merely raising questions about your own belief can be a punishable act in a conservative society where I am from.

    Now that I have gone through many books and had many debates in my younger days, most of those questions had their answers. The answers are not transparent though. As a millennium adult, we try to find logic in every aspect of life. Many things in our life that can't be explained with simple logic. Or our intelligence is not that big enough to grasp the underlying logic in that particular quest. 

    The biggest problem with the human brain is that we only accept that particular logic which is well-aligned with our mental wirings,' If a particular explanation contradicts our mental programming we don't find that explanation logical. So we try to disprove that particular logic, hence resenting the opponent as well as disturbing our own mental thoughts.

    So, should we not raise questions about a particular belief? The simple answer would be that first, we should try to understand how the mental mechanism works for each individual. For example, I would find one thing very appealing and logical, the same thing could be meaningless and illogical for some else. Before raising the questions we should consider the emotions attached to that particular thing that is being questioned. 
