Are we heading towards WWIII? Or this is Utterly an exaggerated Statement?

It all began in 2014 when Russia got control over Crimea, a territory that is disputed between Russia and Ukraine. The majority of the residents in the region recognize themselves as Russian ethnic.

         Back in 2014, the U.S has sent a full-fledged army of thousands along with its nato allies. The force was deployed mainly in the Eastern European states including Poland and Ukraine. An anti-missile defence system was installed along Poland’s border. So, it was a high alert situation at that time.

         Despite all the tensions the door to diplomacy was open. The U.S and its allies were shouting more loudly than Ukraine itself. One can understand the reason behind this. If Russia attacked Ukraine at that time, it could potentially harm the interest of all the western allies. 

      Fortunately, things de-escalated quickly. The back door diplomacy worked and we dodged the imminent war.

        Now, in 2022 the U.S is blaming Russia once again that it is planning to invade Ukraine.  U, S claims that Russia has deployed an army of 20000  soldiers along the Ukrain border, equipped with artillery too.

        Russia denies all these allegations. Russia claims it has no such plans. The army along its western border is just part of a routine parade.

       The U.S is preparing its Allies including the UK for another war after the Afghanistan debacle.

       Experts warn that if Russia invades Ukraine then war would not just be limited to Ukrain, it will spill over to another territory of Europe in the form of proxies or direct conflict.  

      Is the U.S far cry is a war preventive measure or does it just wants to lay false accusation Over its long term rival?

     The war in Afghanistan was limited to the use of small artilleries. And most of the population in Afghanistan is rural and lives in mountainous terrain. Ukraine is much different from Afghanistan. Both the U.S and Russia have heavy artillery including missiles and fighting aircraft. The human cost of this war will be much bigger than the war in Afghanistan. And it has the potential to spread to other regions as well.

One can question, ‘do we love wars as human beings?’. We just ended one in Afghanistan and we are going to start another in a more densely populated region this time Ukraine!

The phone lines are still open, we hope to reach a peaceful agreement between the two Powers.

