The rise of Online Learning. Is it for everyone?

 It's been almost three years now since the pandemic has disrupted our world. Although, things are much better now. In most parts of the world we have got rid of lockdown, imagine the pain of being home arrested.

There is no doubt that the pandemic did hit some of us hard. Many of us lost our jobs. With the lockdown in place in most parts of the world, most of the industries stopped working or they worked less than usual. In this case, many of the workers had to lose their jobs. There was no other choice for the companies so, we can’t blame companies for that.

       While there was a sharp slump in operations of most of the major industries of the world, be it Airlines, hospitality shopping etc. there was one field which was thriving than ever before, it was the IT industry.

       The lockdown gave rise to online shopping which directly benefitted the sector. Many other industries sought automation whilst they halted their operation. No wonder we can imagine why they were doing so.

       Those who had lost their jobs to pandemics sought to try their luck in some new thriving field and there was only one, Computer science.  Most of those people started searching for the online course to gains some new skills in this field. So there was another field that benefitted a lot from the pandemic, this time it was the online teaching industry. They promise to make you an IT geek in a matter of a couple of months. So, many people tried their luck and started enrolling in those courses, in the online world they are called mooch courses.

I enrolled myself too in one of the courses, hoping for a better future. This makes you eligible to comment on online learning platforms and learn computer science on your own without any mentor.  We will first talk about the pros of these courses and then we will come to the cons.

The best thing about learning online is that you can start learning at the comfort of your home; you don’t have to rush through peak hour traffic to get to the institute. So this saves you time and energy. The second good thing about distance learning is that you can choose your timing; you are not bound to attend lectures at certain times. You can watch lecture videos and notes anytime you want. So it gives you the flexibility to manage things on your own.


Now, will discuss some of the bad aspects of learning online. In my opinion, the worst thing about this platform is that these virtual teachers can’t judge your capabilities while teaching online. When you are in class your teacher knows, he knows in which area you are good and in which areas you need more attention.  This is not the case with these online platforms, their sole purpose is to enrol more and more students. Well, making a profit is the purpose of all educational institutions, but these platforms go a step beyond that. They let you enrol in a course without knowing if you had any prior qualifications related to the field you are going to study.

Many of my friends enrolled in the computer science field, mainly programming, none of them had prior computation or math backgrounds. So, what happened was that at the beginning of the course they seemed pretty happy with the course since things were easy at that stage. When the level of complexity rose, they started complaining. After some time they would leave their course half down.

Those who managed to complete the course somehow did not know the logic building and all the advanced stuff related to computation. They just knew the basic syntax of the programming language, which even a child can learn if taught. The main thing in computer Science is computational thinking if you haven’t developed that during your studies then remembering letters and words is useless. When you attend an institute, you get a chance to discuss your ideas with the rest of your classmates, they share their ideas and you reciprocate as well. This process escalates things in a positive direction.

       There are many online platforms as well to do the same, where you can share your ideas and problem. The online community is huge. The most popular out of these platforms I would like to name is stack overflow, which hosts millions of developers sharing their ideas and experiences.

       Despite all online support, I still favour physical group discussions. When two brains sit side by side to find a solution to a particular problem they have a much better chance to achieve the result than those looking for online help.

So, what's my final verdict about this platform. Besides all the drawbacks online learning has there are thousands of people who benefitted from these platforms in a true sense, they achieved what they were after. Yes, there are many legitimate online teachers out there who assess you properly.  The certificate they give you after your course makes you qualified for that particular you were enrolled in. I would suggest to online teachers and students to research thoroughly before enrolling in a particular subject.  I would highly recommend enrolling in a mooch course to someone who lives far away from the city and lacks the resources such as time and money. I think these platforms provide great opportunities to such people.  They helped reach education in all corners of the world.


