Can genetically modified feed the growing human Population?

With a growing population, one of the most pressing issues is feeding such a large population.Some people think that GM food provides a viable solution to this problem. At present planet earth is accommodating ever more humans than in the entire history of mankind. The world population touched a new height in the 21st century, reaching up to 8 billion. Up till 2050, the world’s population is expected to reach 10 billion people. The natural resources of our planet are limited and scarce. It’s getting harder for the planet to feed such a big number of people, given that we have already destroyed a large area of agricultural land. Some people think that genetically modified food can solve this growing problem, which I agree with to some extent and I’ll discuss my opinion in this essay.
Not only our population is growing exponentially, but we are also destroying our natural environment. If we look from the sky, we will find out that the land that was used for agricultural purposes has now been turned into a commercial centre. If we keep annihilating agriculture at the same pace then I’m afraid that will be widespread starvation, which we are already seeing in some parts of the world. Genetically modified foods may prove a good alternative to traditional crops. GM food requires less land and has the capability of producing more wheat and corn. If a traditional farming technique requires one hectare of land to produce a certain quantity of grain, gm food requires less than half a hectare to produce the same quantity. But the big question is, Is GM food a permanent solution to this problem? Perhaps not, we will have to measures to safeguard the agricultural land and also to safeguard our environment. If our population keeps growing at the same pace then one day we will have even no land left to grow gm food either. In my opinion, gm food is a good alternative to feed the rising human population, but at the same time, I think it’s not the permanent solution. We need to take drastic steps to tackle the growing human population. At the end of the day, earth has a limited amount of resources and we have to take care of these scarce resources.
