Hospitals Boom in Developing World!

Every day we see a new building for Hospital coming up in any metropolitan city in the world. The reason behind this is apparent, people are falling sick more these days, thus medicine and Hospital have become a great business. Governments around the world are also funding such facilities. In my view, the government should spend more on creating a healthy environment rather than building new Hospitals.
Most of the world's population today doesn’t have clean drinking water access. We all know that polluted water is the cause of numerous diseases. Governments around the world must prioritise clean water instead of funding new research for medicine. If we provide clean drinking water to our population, we can get rid of mostly water-borne diseases, thus we will have a lot less load on our health infrastructure. Just like water air-born diseases are common too. Most of the world’s population these days is at risk of having lung diseases because of air pollution. Due to industrialization, man has polluted his environment, sending many types of carcinogens into the natural environment, which are becoming fatal to our health. If we stop polluting our air, then there will be a significant drop in lung-related illnesses, thus our health facilities will be a lot less overcrowded. By considering the above arguments, we can conclude that the government should focus more on providing a feasible environment to live in, rather than investing in new health facilities. If we have the ideal climate to live in, then our doctor visits will reduce significantly.
