How women financial independence is damaging the institution of Marriage?

In some countries, women no longer feel the need to get married. Some people think that this is because women are able to earn their own income and thus do not require the financial security that marriage can bring. To what extent do you agree or disagree? In the developed world, women have equal rights and equal opportunities to work. Most western women are financially independent. In old age, women used to heavily rely on their male guardians for the financial security but things have changed in the current period. I agree with the argument that equal rights of work have created a dent in the urge to get married. I’ll discuss my point of view further in this essay.
The current system(Democracy) and technical revolution have changed the world. The world is not as it used to be. In the past women just used to look after the kids and stay at home at all times. But these days women are working in every field, whether it’s health, tech, and services. This revolution gave financial independence to women. They don’t rely as much on their male guardian as they used to. In old days, for women to be financially secure marriage was the only route they had to take. Since that dependence is no longer as strong as it used to be married in the developed world has significantly dropped. If you pick the data Of the US or UK the marriage rate is far less than a century ago. The marriage rate is still very high in countries where women don’t have working right or they don’t have financial independence. For example, in Afghanistan where a woman has a very limited working right, there is a hundred per cent chance that she will get married once she reaches the age of twenty. That’s just because she needs male support for financial assistance. From the above analysis, we can conclude that in countries where women enjoy financial freedom the marriage rate has dropped over time. So, who’s to blame for that drop, of course, one can easily infer if women don’t feel the need to rely on a male she’s less likely to get married.
