Will the Race for Superior Weapons ever End?

If we thoroughly read human history, it is full of wars and regime expansions. Those equipped with better artillery had always an advantage over the others. The race for superior armies and weapons is never going to end. Some people argue that government should allocate more budget for defence rather than social welfare. I have the opposite opinion, which I’ll discuss in this essay. Humans have been dominating one another forever. The one with more wealth and power was always considered powerful and it is still the case. I should mention here that power equals attack and defence mechanisms. If the race for power continues, we’re never going to see lasting peace on Earth. It’s better to feed the poor rather than manufacture a tank or gun.
Pakistan show casing its missile capabilities, whilst 60% of its population lives below the poverty line. We have a classic example in the current period, where two countries have indulged themselves in the race of weapons so much that 60 per cent of their population lives below the poverty line. Their defence budget makes up 70 per cent of the total budget. And they have a strong argument for defence speeding, ‘if we don’t build or buy sophisticated weapons, our enemy will crush us.’Had they spent all that money on their people’s welfare, we would have had healthier happier children. North Korea is pretty much spending all its state's resources to build Nuclear weapons. If one gets a chance to visit North Korea, the plight of humanity can be seen in the entire country. Most of the children in North Korea are malnourished, just because their government is spending all the money on defence. Competition among humans is a natural phenomenon, but we have evolved so much that we should understand the relevant costs of that competition. If we keep repeating what we have been doing throughout history, our coming generation will follow us too. I don’t blame the poor countries for this dilemma they buy most of their modern weapons from developed countries. We should focus more on feeding our children rather than spending all our resources on a silly race for power.
