Are We Going to See the Revival of Communist Economic Philosophy?

Surveys conducted by different organization reflects that more than half of American disapprove of capitalism, another half supports socialism somehow or the other. One can ponder what shaped their views in favour of capitalism so much?

The Charles Dickenson manuscript “Bonefire of Vanities” describe this dilemma very well. First publication of Adam Smith’s wealth of nation have the same point of view as Karl Marx. Both economist believed that a country’s wealth is only measured by the prosperity of its manpower not by how much Gold or Silver it possesses. Adam Smith was a proponent of the free Market, while Karl Marx was on the opposite side. Smith believed in the productivity of Labour and human capital through incentives.

One can wonder about Marxist views on the largest donor to New York’s public library, and the workers who work in those libraries. Surprisingly you will find “the wealth of nations” and “Das Kapital” next to each other in most of the libraries. One can understand their importance these two books are mostly responsible for the modern economies. In the 20th century, Das Kapital not only gather support through economic and political ideas but also caused major revolutions against capitalism. To some the Marxist revolution had a negative impact, pushing millions of people to poverty and hunger.

Karl Marx argument against teh capitalist production and its multiple effects on society, is still a source of inspiration for many young people. Yes, it asks for the division of capital from the productive clas to the ordinary labourer. And that’s a dangerous sign, one can wonder why the New York times 2018 article boldly wished a Happy Birthday to Karl Marx.

A survey conducted couple of years ago discoverd that more than 50% agreed that capitalism in its present form cause more sufferings than good in the present world. If we check the statistics the pro communism seems weak, since 1990 we have seen significant drop in extreme poverty globally. The rate has declined from 36% to only 10%. If the capitalism was so bad then these statistics would have been much different.

Yes, in human society every positive(though capitalism has its own faults too) idea has some kind of opposition everywhere. We kind a enjoy being on the other side of the field, ignoring the facts and figures.

One can understand the opposite view against capitalism and where it is coming from. It(capitalims) tends to push less fortunate into extreme poverty and those with fortune get more and more affluent overtime. If a capitalist give away large portion of his money that opposition can be silenced. It’s will be a win win situation for both, a capitalist works for honour and dignity and less fortunate want food and shelter.
