What North Korea really wants from its Latest Missile Tests?

North Korea once again fired a ballistic missile over Japan. The rogue regime is adding up to threats the world is already facing. Can the problem be solved through diplomacy? While diplomatic engagements take a long route, the best strategy would be to bolster conventional and military deterrents in the region.

The Latest missile launch over Japan created panic in the country by setting off air raid sirens and warnings of a missile attack were broadcasted on TV channels.

The regime’s missile test pace is continually increasing, making this test 23rd of the year. Some Defence analysts consider as a response to the recent joint military exercises between the US and South Korea, the arch-rivals of the rogue regime. The projectile range was most extended, having the capacity to cover a distance of 4500km. While one North Korean tested missile has the capacity to reach the U.S held territory of Guam, which is about 3400km away from North Korea.

In the wake of the missile test, Mr Biden halted the Joint military drills. At least Mr Biden deserves the credit for showing signs of resolve. Such provocations by the rogue regime leader are conducted when he wants to frighten the western powers and coerce money from them, which he badly needs at the time. South Korea and the U.S offered financial assistance many times and requested to suspend the nuclear programmes, but such offers were rejected persistently.

The latest test shows that North Korea has made significant progress toward developing a missile which can reach the U.S mainland. And it is in the process of developing a missile which can carry multiple warheads and evade the U.S defence systems. Perhaps the main focus is now on developing such a missile which cannot be detected by the U.S interceptors. In September this year, the North declared itself one of the world’s nuclear powers and declared five conditions that it would use the nuclear warhead. One of the conditions is a pre-emptive attack if it senses an attack on its army or defence were imminent.

The U.N security council meeting has been called by the U.S. But we are not expecting any fruitful result from this meeting as any effort to penalize North Korea will be vetoed by its allies, China and Russia.

The best practice would have been to circumvent North Korea from developing a nuclear bomb. Now that has been done, the best response would be the use deterrence. Recent experiments show the American deterrence mechanism is not as effective as it used to be. The world needs clear communication militarily, backed by defence mechanism deploments if North Korea steps up its provocations.

The U.S and South Korea need to increase their military budget. Japan is gradually increasing its defence budget from 1% to 2% of its GDP, to better respond to any threat from North Korea.

After the cold war, new alliance blocks are taking place. Ching won’t stop North Korea's provocations as it sees North Korea as a continuous headache for the western powers. Russia would also follow China’s path. After all North Korea is playing a major role in diverting all the attention from what’s going on in Ukraine, thus helping Russia in a way.

