What’s it like to migrate to one of the world’s wealthiest countries from one of the world’s poorest?

Who else can describe this experience better than I do? The son of an Afghan immigrant was severely struck by poverty and wars and eventually ended up in one of the richest countries in the world. The young man(myself) has witnessed the dirt and greed that poor societies natural carries to the Porsche lifestyle of western elites.

Being born to the poorest family and in the poorest country is a matter of fate one can’t do much about it. The child born to impoverished parents struggles for survival each and every day, while someone on the other side with a gold spoon in the mouth enjoys all the luxuries of life without much effort. Again we cannot answer that injustice mother nature has carried since the beginning of human history. But we want to explore how it feels to be born in the poorest and finally end up in one of the richest societies in the world.

A child who had rarely enough food in his entire childhood with scattered dreams of fixing up everything that was happening to him or his family went through various experiences throught his quest to beat the never-ending poverty.

It’s the sad reality of human survival that the fittest out of us survives and gets an edge over the rest of us. I have a very close example to describe the fact, I have two mentally disabled siblings, a brother and a sister. Both of them cannot even feed themselves, we had to hire someone in order to feed them. They are completely unable to look after themselves. While I am physically and mentally fit have been to various countries and earned a fortune through my various skills. So, for me and the rest of the world, it’s better to accept to laws of nature, even if we don’t, it doesn’t matter for the master of nature.

Coming back to our thesis what’s it like to migrate from one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the richest. Humans have evolved mostly by imitating and mimicking our ancestors. And those with extraordinary brain qualities added up new skills and techniques on the way. We are great at imitating something we are unfamiliar with. In the process of overcoming poverty and landing into a new society and culture, I adopted the same technique. Every time I’d go out I’d try to copy the local exactly. Every time I felt that I was the odd one I tried to rectify that trait which made me look odd in the particular scenario.

We are not so good at chaging or eliminating our childhood habits or the habits we gained on the course of journey towards adulthood. One has to keep in mind this fact that certain habit can’t be easily fixed. It doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s something wrong with such habits, it’s just that sometime good things don’t fit into other places and time.

Anyone with open mind would have no difficulty in transitioning to a wealthy society with different culture and etiquettes. A close minded person in a world revolutionized by the science and technology suffers everywhere. One who looks at things from only one eagle always suffers, we should inspect things and ideas from every possible angle.

I remember on my fist flightI was so nervous that I was unable to find my seat, the airhostess helped me finding it. I was well dressed though. I noticed one more thing when I arrived my destination that everyone was wearing casual clothes I was one of few who was wearing a pant-shirt and a tie. This is when I noticed the first difference of thinking and the lesson learnt was that, you always wear casual and easy going clothes when taking a long distance flight.

The above lesson is the single lesson which I have described, I learnt many during my stay in that particular country. And when I used to visit back I’d get back to my original lifestyle. The local people would notice the difference in my personality for the first few days but after sometime my subconscious memory would kick in, making the same person that I was prior to migration.

The two major lesson learnt from my foreign endeavour was to be open minded and respect difference of opinions. If you hold one opinion about a certain thing and the other person has different views about the same thing, it can just be because we’ere both looking at same thing from a different angle and perspective. Anyone having this mindset have the potential of endless personal growth. On the contrast close minded just make themselves stuck in limited world with limited boundaries.
