Computer Aided Translation VS Learning a New Language!

The arrival of computer technology has brought about significant changes in various aspects of our lives, including transportation, health, and communication. In particular, the impact of computers in the field of communication has been immense. With the advancements in computer technology, long distances have been shortened and the barrier of language has been greatly reduced. The ability to translate unfamiliar languages almost instantly has led some to argue that there is no longer a need to learn foreign languages, as computers can effectively do the job. However, the author of this article holds opposing views and plans to further explore and argue against this idea in the essay.

Computers have revolutionized the way we communicate with one another, breaking down geographical barriers and making it easier for people from different parts of the world to understand each other. The speed and accuracy of computer-aided translations has led some to question the necessity of learning a foreign language, as computers can now perform the task with a high degree of efficiency. However, the author has a different perspective and plans to argue that despite the advancements in computer technology, there are still reasons why learning a foreign language is important and cannot be fully replaced by machines.

The author of this passage has been told by their parents that previous generations were much more physically active and stronger than current generations. They were able to fight off predators and other enemies and were considered to be more creative. This is believed to be due to the fact that previous generations had to constantly struggle for survival. The author acknowledges that computers and other technologies have greatly helped us in various aspects of life such as communication and travel. However, the author argues that we must not become overly reliant on these technologies as it can lead to a loss of creativity and a sense of human connection.

While computers are able to translate different languages in a matter of seconds and in real-time, one thing they lack is the ability to provide a sense of human connection and emotions. The author argues that this is an important aspect that is missing in computer-aided translations and should not be overlooked. The author suggests that we should not rely too heavily on technology and should strive to maintain our creativity and sense of human connection in our communication.

Scientists have conducted numerous studies on the subject of learning unknown languages and have come to a consistent conclusion: those who possess multilingual abilities have better problem-solving skills and are more creative than those who only speak one language. This suggests that being able to speak multiple languages can have a positive impact on cognitive abilities. The author argues that if we become too reliant on external sources, such as computer-aided translations, our internal mechanism for problem-solving will become lazy. Therefore, for a healthy brain, it is important to continue learning new things in life. The author also points out that computers are not able to translate human emotions in the same way that human language can. While it is possible that technology may advance to the point where computers can accurately translate emotions in the future, the author believes that the personal connection and nuance of one-on-one communication cannot be replicated by computers.

In conclusion, the author of this article does not argue that we should completely abandon the use of modern technology in language learning. Instead, the author suggests that we should utilize technology where necessary and where there are no other options available. However, the author also emphasizes the importance of keeping our language creativity alive and not allowing it to be stifled by technology. The author argues that emotions are an essential aspect of being human and can only be fully conveyed through human language, not through computer translations. The author suggests that we should find a balance between utilizing technology for the benefits it provides and preserving our ability to communicate and connect with others through human language.
